March 9, 2022

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March 9, 2022

Winter Explore Highline Orientations have Begun!

Entry Advising has started offering the Explore Highline Orientation to new students. The orientation is being conducted virtually through the end of March. The plan is to expand offering the orientation to all new students starting in May.  Orientations are being tailored for new, returning, Running Start, transitioning ELCAP students and international students.  The feedback from students has been positive.  They are engaged, find the Degree Pathways video useful for learning about the different pathways offered here at Highline and appreciate having to think about their educational and career goals at the start of their educational journey.  At the end of each orientation students choose the Pathway they are interested in exploring.  Students Pathway is entered into the students’ CtC account as a Milestone. 



Developing Guided Pathways Priorities for the 22-23 Year 

The process to develop our work plan and identify our Guided Pathways priorities for 22-23 is underway.   The work plan, which includes our funding allocation requests, is the proposal that is sent to the SBCTC for approval.  

The work plan is a tool to:

1) Self-identify our progress and goals within the areas of:

  • Implementing large scale change (committee structure, student centered culture, committed leadership, college-wide communication and engagement)
  • Pathway design (programs of study, program maps, outcomes alignment, structured exploratory experiences, college success 101)
  • Student experience (intake, engaging students in support of completion through advising, educational planning, and classroom environment and course design)  

2) Reflect on the process to fully scale up guided pathways as an equity framework, supported by data, to inform a process of continuous improvement. 

3) Plan our 2-4 priorities for 2022-2023. 

Development Timeline                  

February 4, 2022:  The Core Team participated in a full-day retreat. The day was focused on identifying the shared strategic priorities and goals for inclusion in the 2022-2023 work plan.

March 2022. The Core Team facilitators presented a draft work plan with funding allocation proposals to Executive Cabinet, on March 8, for consideration. Adjustments will be made as necessary and the final draft will be sent to Executive Cabinet for approval on March 22. 

April 1, 2022. Final work plan proposal sent to the SBCTC. 

June 2022: State Board approves 2022-2023 GP allocations based on all colleges having completed work plans.

July 2022 – July 2023: Colleges implement the plans outlined in their plans