Large Scale Change

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Large Scale Change 2022-01-19T19:17:43+00:00

highline Pathways IconLarge Scale Change


Another component of the Guided Pathways implementation is focuses on taking the time to share “how” and “why” the college is implementing the large-scale changes. Highline College students, staff and faculty benefit from having clearly defined college-wide goals reinforced by our college leaders.

As one of the three focus areas of Highline’s Degree Pathways, this area focuses on the college infrastructure that has been identified as essential for true college wide change to take place.


College committee structure is student centered and includes diverse voices. Each committee has a clearly defined purpose, there is minimal redundancy, and efforts are coordinated between committees. It is clear how information is shared within and between committees, and there is a clear path for the review, change, and adoption of college policies and procedures.

Degree Pathways Committee Structure


Equity First Strategic Planning
Multiple “student journeys” reflecting the communities the college serves are central to every meeting agenda, program review, funding request, and grant initiative. The college’s strategic planning and budget processes are student-centered in an equity framework which includes students and community members in all phases of planning.

Project Infrastructure/ Staffing
Diverse groups of faculty, staff, and students are engaged in developing, implementing, and refining each Guided Pathways practice including but not limited to program/degree maps and integrated supports. Appropriate departments, work groups, or committees with broad faculty, staff, community, and student representation engage in ongoing work and provide feedback to leadership.

  • Steering Committee (link to members)
  • Core Team (link to members)
  • Project Teams/ Committees (link committees and members)

Committed Leadership
College leadership is engaged in an active, ongoing way in the Guided Pathways work. The college has succession plans which include an explicit commitment to Guided Pathways in search and hiring processes so that momentum is not lost during changes in leadership.