Do you enjoy solving logical puzzles and coming up with creative solutions to real world problems? Mathematics could be a great choice of major for you. Studying math helps you develop analytical, pattern recognition, and critical thinking skills. A degree in mathematics indicates to prospective employers that you can do any job that calls for analysis, critical thinking, and problem solving. These skills are highly valued by employers as well as graduate and professional schools.
Students with an associates degree in mathematics can go directly into the workforce or continue on to bachelor’s or higher degrees in mathematics or related fields. Mathematical thinking applies to a wide variety of careers. Some of the career opportunities available are: Accountant, Actuary, Auditor, Biostatistician, Budget Analyst, Cartographer, Compensation/Benefits Specialist, Computer Applications Specialist, Computer Programmer, Computer Systems Analyst, Credit Analyst, Cryptographer, Data Analyst, Data Base Manager, Data Processing Manager, Economic Analyst, Financial Analyst, Financial Consultant, Financial Manager, Financial Services Sales Representative, Information Systems Analyst, Insurance Agent, Insurance Underwriter, Inventory Control Specialist, Investment Manager, Loan Counselor/Officer, Market Research Analyst, Meteorologist, Operations Research Analyst, Production Planner, Professor, Psychometrician, Purchasing Manager, Real Estate Appraiser, Risk Manager, Securities Analyst, Statistician, Surveyor, Teacher, Traffic Technician, Urban Planner.
Associate Degree
Studying math helps you develop analytical, pattern recognition, and critical thinking skills. A degree in mathematics indicates to prospective employers that you can do any job that calls for analysis and deduction. This is highly valued by employers as well as graduate and professional schools.
Program Map
Department/Program URL:
GPA Requirement:
minimum 2.0 cumulative college-level GPA
Number of Credits:
minimum of 90 college-level credits (courses numbered 100 or above)
Degree or Certificate Learning Outcomes:
Reason quantitatively
Develop analytical skills.
Learn to pay attention to all of the assumptions involved in a given problem or situation
Learn to break down a complicated problem to a series of steps
Develop critical thinking skills
Test one’s conclusions and the conclusions of others to make sure they are based on adequate data and accurate reasoning
Learn to communicate mathematical ideas clearly and be able to read and create graphs and other form of mathematical visual information.
Top Transfer-To institutions
- University of Washington – Seattle
- Gonzaga University
- Western Washington University
Important Dates or Milestones Specific to Degree/Certificate
Math builds on itself, so most of the courses we offer will have to be taken in order. To be sure that you have time to take all of the math you need for this degree, you should begin taking math your first or second quarter.
Once you have completed MATH& 152 Calculus II, you can take the following courses in any order and even take more than one in a single quarter: MATH& 163 Calculus 3, MATH 220 Linear Algebra, MATH 230 Differential Equations.
You can take MATH& 264 Calculus 4 after you have passed MATH& 163 Calculus 3.
MATH 220 Linear Algebra is offered only Winter and Spring Quarters. MATH 230 Differential Equations is offered only Fall and Winter Quarters. MATH& 264 Calculus is offered only Fall and Spring Quarters. Please plan accordingly.